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How To Target Multiple Audiences and Ideal Customers


How To Target Multiple Audiences and Ideal Customers

It’s not uncommon for businesses to have more than one target audience or ideal customer, especially since Covid-19 witnessed many companies having to pivot and adapt their products and services to cater to a new normal.

However, not spending time creating a strategy for multiple target audiences often results in a weak brand message that attempts to appeal to everyone and ends up attracting no one.

Today, we’re talking about how you can develop a strategy to target multiple target audiences.

Get clear on each target audience. 

Dig deep into understanding each of your ideal clients. Just because you have multiple target audiences, doesn’t mean you can be vague on their wants and needs. 

Spend some time creating customer personas for each target audience. This will help you to grasp their real pain points and challenges, as well as set out clear goals for your marketing and sales strategies. 

Here’s a blog we wrote on how to understand your customer

From here, write down how your product/service addresses each target audiences challenges. Perhaps you have different products or services for each target audience, or alternatively, their USPs change depends on who you’re selling to.

Link up common themes and goals.

When you have an overview of each of your target audiences, go back through your notes and pull out any common themes, whether that’s a challenge, frustration or goal. 

Let’s take the example of a product that helps solo service providers, but also is widely used by teams in a corporate setting. 

The two target audiences will have different challenges and frustrations, but the overarching goal of your company could be to help them save time and do their jobs more efficiently. 

By establishing these overarching themes, you maintain brand consistency while still appealing to two or more separate target audiences. 

Split up your website into dedicated sections.

Create different user journeys for each of your target audiences on your website. This could be as simple as dedicating a section of your website to each ideal customer. 

Splitting up your website in this way enables you to talk to each target audience in their own language and appeal to their unique pain points without worrying about alienating other potential customers. 

We have a blog post dedicated to designing a website for multiple target audiences here.

Consider your social strategy. 

Some businesses may have different social media accounts to appeal to their various target audiences. And, while this works in certain circumstances, it is possible to appeal to various audiences without multiple accounts on each platform.

Instead, take a look at where your different target audiences hang out online. Perhaps LinkedIn works for one and Instagram is more appealing to the other. 

Let’s take the example of a company that provides furniture for the corporate sector, but also wishes to appeal to the general public for home and office furniture.

Your social strategy could target the corporate sector via LinkedIn and the general public via Instagram and Facebook. Meanwhile, Twitter could be used for customer service for both sectors.

Key takeaways.

  • Know your different target audiences inside out.
  • Be clear on your overarching brand mission, vision and goals.
  • Craft different user journeys and experiences around each audience.

If you have any questions about how to design for a diverse client base, get in touch with a member of our team right now.