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How To Optimise Your Website For Lead Generation


How To Optimise Your Website For Lead Generation

Your website is up and running and you’re getting a fair amount of traffic, but how do you turn hits into customers? Are you actively thinking about lead generation?

Finding an effective way to convert readers into paying customers doesn’t have to be difficult when your website is optimised for lead generation.

Use these tools and strategies to achieve more with your website.

Look at what is already performing well on your website.

Which pages currently have the most traffic?

Conduct an audit of your website and note down the pages that are already performing well – the pages with the most traffic and the pages that people are staying on the longest. You can access this information through most analytics tools, whether it’s Google Analytics or a paid-for tool.

From here, you can optimise these pages for lead generation by improving the content and adding forms to either make an enquiry or access more content.

Some ideas to get people to fill out your forms include offering a free service, such as a consultation call, or a piece of valuable content, like a newsletter or eBook. Make sure this content taps into their frustrations and challenges and provides a way to solve those problems. 

Think about your customer journey.

How are they currently landing on your site?

Is it through email marketing, social media, blog posts or organic search?

Again, you’ll be able to determine this through an analytics tool.

Once you have this information, you can begin to look deeper into the user journey and spot areas in which it could be improved.

Make sure the pages you’re linking to via your email newsletter/social media/blog posts are optimised with quality content and a clear call to action or sign up form.

Test it.

Run A/B testing on specific landing pages to see which is the most successful.

Create two versions of the same landing page but with one key difference. For example, this could be the questions on the form, the wording of your call-to-action or the structure of your content.

According to MarketingExperiments, “about 52% of companies and agencies that use landing pages also test them – to find better ways for improving conversions.”

You can then use a testing tool to lead half your traffic to one landing page and the other half to the second landing page. Choose the one that was most successful for the final version of that landing page.

Nurture your leads.

There’s no point in generating leads from your website if you aren’t going to follow up.

Once they fill out a form on one of your landing pages, you need to stay in touch so they don’t forget about you.

Get in touch with them and give them more relevant content that is matched to their problem or interests.

This can be done manually, but there is also a number of automated email software out there where you can create an automated workflow of emails to land in specific people’s inboxes.

According to Forrester Research, companies that nurture their leads see 50% more sales-ready leads than their non-nurturing counterparts at a 33% lower cost.

You can keep this simple to start with, by creating one workflow of emails. Or, you can begin to get targeted in your approach by tailoring specific content to specific audiences – all you need to do is ask the right questions on the initial sign up forms.

For example, asking them to tick the boxes to what types of content they want to receive or getting them to name their biggest challenge. The more you find out from them, the more you’re able to create content that is relevant to them.

Want to find out how your website can generate more leads? Have a conversation about website optimisation with a member of our team today.