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How to Create a Brand That Customers Love


How to Create a Brand That Customers Love

Every business strives to attract loyal customers that return time and time again.

But, how do you create a brand that people truly love? 

We’ve got some actionable tips for you to try in today’s blog post.

Keep it friendly.

Quality customer service is one of the core ways to ensure that the people buying your product(s) are happy. A satisfied customer is not only likely to buy from you again, but they are also more inclined to recommend your business to their friends, family and co-workers.

Always respond in a timely, polite manner to any customer queries and be sure to aim for the best outcome possible if a client does complain.

A bonus tip is to speak with your customers as though you are dealing with them face-to-face and in a way that they can understand. This is especially important online, over email or via social media. Automated responses that sound like a corporate robot don’t tend to go down well. Instead, use helpful language that makes the customer feel valued.  

Look good.

Your brand identity is usually the first thing any customer sees, especially if they stumble across you online. By maintaining a professional and strong corporate image, you can promote your business’ credibility and encourage people to trust and invest in your brand.

This all starts with good research and stunning design. Although, it isn’t all about a pretty logo. Your branding should be made up of your culture, values and vision.

Meanwhile, another tip for building an attractive brand is to look great on all digital devices. A common mistake is for businesses to create a beautiful website that is not mobile-friendly. With most people accessing information and entertainment on their smartphones and tablets, it’s crucial that your business appears flawless on all sorts of screen shapes and sizes.

Deliver value.

One of the overarching reasons why anyone would continue to buy from a business is the quality of their service. Continuing to deliver a valuable product to clients is a significant part of establishing a trusted brand that people love.

On top of this, you could offer incentives for new customers, as well as for clients who have stuck with you for years.

And, don’t be afraid to go that extra mile to impress.

Encourage feedback.

It might be hard to face negative feedback but by listening to your customers, you can really refine your offering and enhance your brand.

Regularly ask for feedback from clients and don’t be put off by unhappy customers – these can often give you a genuine insight into how you can improve. Going back to our first point, if an issue is resolved and a positive outcome is achieved for a customer, they are more likely to stick around and share with others how well you dealt with a mistake.

Mattix Design can help you build a brand that you and your customers will love. Contact us today to get started.